
TAKE 12 March Collaboration - CHOSEN

The TAKE 12 Project is a twelve month journey, we do this together . . . we were never created to "do alone". It is a commitment to ourselves and our readers to grow, to be truthful, to be transparent, to always know who we are and stay grounded, to journey with LOVE and to trust that we will be transformed.

If you missed February read more about the second take here -




Wherever I am, I`ll be all here, because You are I AM




You fill the present moment with your grace, the only air not toxic to breathe.

You fill fill the present moment with your presence, the only gift I ever need, so why rush through all the moments of now?

Your presence is always in the now

I am with You now - where I AM always is . . .

Now is the destination.

Today, I will rest in the present moment with I AM

because this is where I find the rest of myself.

I am loved, chosen by You.

I am known, named by You.

I am fearless, safe in You.

I am brave, always with You.

I am done missing You, when I miss You, I miss me.


- Ann Voskamp #31DaysSeries





You are chosen, I set you apart . . .




Written by Celeste

GIOCA Candidate , University of Bologna

Master of Arts Management Candidate




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