TAKE 12 May Collaboration - CONNECTED
The TAKE 12 Project is a twelve month journey, we do this together, we were never created to 'do alone". It is a commitment to ourselvelves and our readers to grow, to be truthful, to be transparent, to always know who we are and stay grounded, to journey with LOVE and to trust that we will be transformed.
Read more about TAKE 12 April here -
Reading the #FTWeekend this morning I am becoming increasingly aware of the fact that #now is indeed the #time to be #connected and that this is #imperative to being in the know of all #current #affairs. It seems as though life is more #hip where #Instagram #hashtag #coinage #reigns #supreme. The amount of #followers and #likes you are able to #attract on your #social #media #feeds, are an apt representation of your social #status. In some instances #individuals who #fancy the #lionised #lifestyle of the #rich and #famous, social media feeds #represent an #intimate, yet none the less #curated #account of #life. A #modern day #interpretation of a 16th #century #English #proverb which #insists that "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride", which in all honesty has resulted in many #individuals breaking into the #entertainment industry by utilising #popular media #channels. Before venturing too far into the #phenomena that is social media and at the risk of it turning into a #rant, which by all means, it is not, I #diverge to the point.
I know some people and have heard of even more so, who have #experienced a #feeling #akin to being #deprived of #oxygen when unable to find a #network connection, a #human connection and on the #rare #occasion #religious connection. The #notion of "absence makes the heart grow fonder" does not occur, it is rather a state of #overwhelming #panic. This reminds me of a recent #conversation I had with a #friend during a longer than usual #breakfast together. We spoke about the #necessity of #absence to great lenght, after which I left the house to go for my now #habitual #traditional #Italian [second] breakfast at a #cafe just down the #road, to #reflect. It was a #picturesque day, #dark #skies, #rainy, but not #cold, sitting at a small #round #table #inside a cafe #decorated in a #neutral #palette with some #semblance to the #humanism of the #renaissance #era in some #interior #design #elements as well as in the #display #cabinetry for #confectionaries.
Absence or in this case not being connected is an important aspect of life, where you grow and learn and which allows you to be better connected in life. Yes it sounds like an oxymoron, but the absence of a connection be it religious, human, nature, or technological enables you to acknowledge, what is wanting in your life, to take inventory of what is important to you and how to work on reestablishing that connection.
Taking and more importantly, making the time to spend quality time with your family, reconnecting with an old friend, or even with yourself for that matter as well as with your faith. We always try to fill our days with things which occupies our thoughts and leaves us with a false sense of being complete, after all a busy bee has no time for sorrow according to William Blake. We are simply not taught to allow space and time for absence, because that means we are deficient, not complete and that alone goes against our pursuit of a hedonistic lifestyle.
We were never taught the value of what absence, and now the value of being disconnected can teach us, to no fault of the generations before us as they did as they were taught. We can only endeavour to teach the new generation this importance by living it actively. On the rare occasion that we are overwhelmed by a feeling of absence, we lament over it in books, letters and songs, we become depressed for no apparent reason. We feel inconsolable up to the point where we take time to disconnect from the world and connect with our own emotions, our feelings and our faith. That is why when I say [ you need to disconnect to connect ] it means go back to basics, focus on your faith, the root of what you believe in and you will find the way to revive your connection to what gives you purpose and life. If not . . . well then we need to talk about this over a #bottle of #wine . . . perhaps #three, depending . . .
Written by Celeste
GIOCA Candidate, University of Bologna
Master of Arts Management Candidate