Today I decided to write a personal post. The year 2015 has been a very busy time for me and my family. Today I can honestly say that I have not been easy on myself and neither have I been on my loved ones, being booked every single weekend since September and having no extra time for reflecting . . . just pushing . . . pushing to get things done and delivered has left me exhausted ! Having to juggle between responsibilities and duties as a wife, mother and homemaker proved to be daunting at times.
I have grown tremendously as a person, I have learned to accept that nothing that I do for another person, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem will ever be a waste of my time. I have learned that comparison destroys creativity, it puts you in a place where there is no JOY to be found, where you struggle to find the meaning of why you do what you do, where the only thing you see is your own inadequacies, it is a SOUL killer. With social media being all about visual impact no wonder we fall for this "comparison trap".
I have come to admit . . . that it is ok to feel overwhelmed and lonely in the midst of being surrounded by people.
I have come to accept that happiness is not found in perfection, that I won`t see any progress without action and that I can not and will not quit what`s difficult if it is right for me. I know now that I do have a choice as to quit what is "wrong" for me. I have learned that it is ok to say NO . . . that saying NO does not make me a selfish person but a WHOLE person, that I can trust that inner Voice that prompts me, that I have a Helper who knows my heart.
I have always lived by the value of treating people well . . . no matter the circumstances. How we treat people has far more lasting impact than how people treat us. This has really hit home for me this year.
The past six months especially have taught me that the very first step to becoming a better person is to admit at any wrong doing, to accept that nobody is perfect and that everybody make mistakes, to always . . . always counteract any negativaty with JOY ! I have learned to GIVE . . . more of myself, my time, my skills, my knowledge, my heart . . . after all, all of us are here to enlighten and uplift each other by showing mercy and compassion.
I have come to realise that every shoot I do is VERY personal and precious for the person or persons that I see through my lens. I have learned and am still learning with every new client to respect that.
I DEEPLY LOVE WHAT I DO . . . so humbled when i get messages from clients saying :
" My heart`s gonna bubble over " - / -" I`m half crying, half laughing"- / -" Everyone loves this one, my mom cried "- / - "You are so kind it`s weird for me! In my world I deal with horror daily"
My heart . . . am happy, that is Grace for me, and for me it will always end up in my throat choking up, that`s what Grace does to me. So THANK YOU!
I am so thankful for all that God is doing and I am so honored that He would choose me to tell your stories.
Desiree :) :) :)